Plan & Sew a 
Wardrobe You'll Love to Wear

Use our free sewing planner to tailor your handmade wardrobe to you.



What We'll Send You:

Free Printable Planner

A downloadable planner that you can print and use time and time again to create a wardrobe of garments that work together. Download the planner instantly and get started right away.

How You'll Design:

The Wardrobe Quick-Start Mini Course will give you tips for building your own personal design process.

How did you feel getting dress this morning?

  • Did you feel utterly inspired by the collection of handmade garments in your closet – all created by you, for you?

  • Did the carefully chosen dresses, skirts, tops, and pants hanging in front of you fill you with joy and pride?

  • Was it easy to pick out a few coordinating pieces, creating beautiful looks that expressed who you are? 

If not, you’re not alone. Plenty of creative sewists end up with a tangled mishmash of garments in a variety of styles, and many don’t fit their bodies, life, or personality.   

The truth is, it’s our creative nature that gets in the way. 

Unharnessed, we get swept away by ideas and novelty. Plus, we just love to sew. We end up making a lot, but not always what we really want to wear.  

What if you could press pause once in a while, and do a few simple design exercises that would help you choose the right ideas for you?

Our free sewing planner will walk you through this easy, fulfilling process. When you enter your email, we’ll send you:

Organize your ideas.

Create a concept based on your own goals and needs, which will focus the rest of your plan. You’ll be able to filter ideas quickly and systematically.

Use fabrics you love to create a palette.

Design with fabrics you already have, or choose new ones that inspire you. Most important, create a workable palette out of them to simplify your wardrobe. 

Design outfits you'll actually want to wear.

Instead of thinking only about individual sewing projects, combine ideas to create complete outfits, just like a designer would.

Plan your projects and get them done.

Get all the details down, so you’re excited about what you’ll make. And using this process, you’ll still have room for new inspiration that comes up. 

Download the Planner for Free!

The planner is totally free.   

They’re brought to you by Seamwork, a community of over 20,000 members that’s all about sewing your own wardrobe. We love helping our fellow sewists think creatively about their wardrobes and make more of what brings them joy.  

We offer this to you for free because we love the idea of introducing more and more sewists to the ideas behind thoughtful sewing. 

If you consider yourself an intentional sewist, or you want to be more intentional, Seamwork offers you the 3 magic ingredients: patterns, classes, and community. Learn more about Seamwork membership.  

Ready to get started?

Pour yourself a warm beverage, and settle in with your inspiration, our planner, and the first email in the series. Let’s get creative.